Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Walk in Brighton

Lots of these big, noisy magpies around

One of the many quaint houses with ironwork detail in the area. 

A view of the city from the docks of Middle Brighton Yacht Club

The iconic Middle Brighton bath houses.

I took a long walk this morning. It was very warm outside -- nearly 30 degrees. Ah, something I'm not used to -- speaking of temperature in Celsius. Is the U.S. the ONLY country that uses Fahrenheit to report temperature. Another surprising difference between here and home is the polite way to make room for  someone walking towards you on a narrow sidewalk. . . . North Americans instinctively move to the right side of the sidewalk, but here they move to the left side. I guess our driving rules transfer to our pedestrian rules. I've had a few near collisions, but fortunately I've jumped out of the way in time.  I'm so glad I'm not driving here though. I just hope I don't get flattened while crossing the street because I've failed to look right rather than left. 

All tennis fans will recognize the colorful little houses on the beach since they're often shown during the Australian Open. We were told that these little huts sell for about $200,000! There's no plumbing or water-- just a pretty paint job. (There I go again, mentioning the high prices here!)


  1. The ironwork in that house is gorgeous...
    I'm impressed to see you in shorts. I thought at this point you'd still be in pants and wearing scarves. I guess I should ditch the leggings and jackets when packing then!
    When are you gonna be able to skype? I can't wait to talk to you!!

  2. I am so glad to have your blog site. What a treat to follow your adventures. Please buy one of those dolls and bring it back so we can see them in person. I am learning so much. Thanks for the lesson. Hi to Joe. Miss you.
