Sunday, December 26, 2010

Creepy Crawlies on the beach in Frankston

Joe and Sandra and I took a little road trip today (our last day in Australia!) to see these fun sand sculptures.  The sand used is different from your usual beach sand. Each grain of beach sand is round but this sand, called "brickers sand" is square so it holds together better. It took the sculptors (some flown in from as far away as Texas) to do these sculptures and they were certainly hampered by all the rain. Once a sculpture is complete they're sprayed with something that protects them somewhat from the wind and rain, but until then, they're vulnerable. Apparently the artists would come in the morning (after a night of rain) and have a lot of rebuilding to do. The end results were fabulous though!

Did you know the average worker bee only produces 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in her lifetime?

The world's largest cockroach comes from Australia -- 9 cm and 30 grams.

The "Exterminator"

Port Phillip Bay in Frankston

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