Monday, December 20, 2010

A Golly of my very own

I posted about these Golliwog dolls the first week or so of our visit here, so I won't repeat what they are, but I have a new story to tell you about them. When Oprah was here a week or two ago, the newspapers reported that while she was in Melbourne, she'd be visiting the Royal Arcade where there's a toy store which sells these Golliwogs. The article stated that the Oprah producers asked the store to take the "Mammy" doll, which has a yellow scarf around her head and a yellow and black dress, out of the window because they thought it would offend Oprah. I was in this store yesterday and the store owner told me that none of that was true. They had already had their window displays planned for the holiday season and the color scheme was pinks and silvers and there would never have been a doll with a yellow and black striped dress in that window. So, another example of how you can't believe everything you read. The shop owner did tell me that Oprah bought a golliwog. Here's my golliwog, Maisie.

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