Saturday, December 18, 2010

Picture-less post but funny stories

Two days of traveling on the train with Tim and Olivia and we had two funny encounters:
A young guy who had some obvious mental deficiencies got out of his seat a few rows behind us and sat across from us (next to three other young guys who were smirking at each other as they overheard his conversation with us). When he found out Tim and Olivia are from Chicago, he said, "Bummer. It's too violently liberal there. I think the next president should be the Terminator. He could be called the Presinator." He went on and on about his feelings about American politics.
Today a lady told us, "I've been to the U.S. several times. I went to Memphis." When Joe said, "Home of the King," she said, "Yeah, the true king - Jerry the King Lawler." She then proceeded to tell us all about this wrestler we'd never heard of and how she's his #1 fan and to prove it a documentary had been made about her passion for him. I think she said she has over 7,000 DVDs of him. Just before she got off the train she said, "I love America so much more than this place." Then she pulled up her sleeve and showed us her tattoo which was a heart with the American flag in it and the words above and below it were that she's a southern girl and "God bless the USA". No time to take a picture-- darn. What characters! Hearing our American accents brings out all the crazies.

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