Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas and goodbye Tim and Olivia

It's 9:30 Christmas morning. Tim and Olivia just got in the cab to begin their long trip home. We all had a breakfast of eggs and toast together here in Brighton, Victoria Australia, and they'll get to LA about 17 hours from now at 7:45 AM  to have another Christmas morning breakfast. I guess if you're going to have a two-day long day, Christmas day is the one to have it on.
They had a great trip on the Great Ocean Road, in large part due to the crazy cast of characters with them on the tour. It was all young people backpacking. Several were young men from England who were just doing the tour to kill time till the real purpose of their visit to Melbourne: the big cricket match at Melbourne Cricket Grounds on Boxing Day.  I think it's something like the "Ashes tournament". Wish I understood the game and cared about this rivalry because it seems to be about as big as a rivalry can be. Oh well, it would be wasted on us to go to that match tomorrow. We're thinking of going to the IMAX theater to see "Megamind".

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