Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The "Oprah House"

Wow, has Oprah fever hit this place! We're in the same hotel that the 300 audience members were in for their first night in Australia. I chatted with a lady on the elevator. She was heading to the Great Barrier Reef. At first all she would say was "somewhere special" but I coaxed her into spilling the beans -- like it was some big, state secret. Jeesh! Apparently the group is divided up and are going all over the country. So they won't all be seeing the same sights. Oprah's only public appearance is tomorrow in Melbourne. Next Tuesday she tapes two shows from the Opera House steps (and I'm not kidding -- they really are renaming the place "The Oprah House" for the time she's here!) Several people have asked us if we're with the group when they hear our American accent. I wish!!
These flags are all over town.

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