Friday, December 17, 2010

Tim and Olivia are here!

Tim and Olivia admiring the street art on Hosier Lane (wish there was one more O in that word -- I'd steal the sign!)

Tim and Olivia arrived safe and sound. I was sitting on the terrace reading and watching for them. It was a relief to see them pull up (a little later than I'd expected them). In my usual way of "catastrophizing", I was thinking, "What if they forgot to bring our address and phone number with them. How would we ever find each other?!" Don't know why I do this! We went to the Balaclava area and had lunch at Las Chicas. Very yummy and funky little restaurant. Then back on the train to downtown to wander around and see the busyness of it all. There seems to be a lot more people in the CBD now. The Christmas windows in front of the Myer department store were packed and there was a long wait just to get to the start. Here's a picture I took a long time ago of one of the windows-- before the crowds.

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