Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pretty Paddington

We took a long walk through a lovely neighborhood this morning. But before we got there, the bus we were on was in an accident. Wasn't our driver's fault -- some lady pulled right in front of him trying to get to the turn lane. The driver slammed on the brakes but hit her anyway. One of the other riders on the bus was thrown to the floor but she claimed she was okay. Crazy driver! Anyway, Paddington was a beautiful area. I could live there.
Australians don't decorate as much for Christmas as Americans do. This was one display I liked.

An artist named Sherrie Knipe does these amazing wood carvings.
All the buckles and buttons on these bags actually work!

Lunch at Gusto. Yum! Joe's addicted to the apple, carrot, ginger juices popular here.

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