Monday, November 29, 2010

Goodbye November

This part of Australia has been in a long-term drought (can't remember exactly how many years but I'm thinking at least 5) and it's officially over. Good news for the locals but not so good for us short-term visitors. I just read in today's paper that the average rainfall in November is 59 mm and this year 106 mm fell. Today's weather was perfect -- low 70s and sunny.
Speaking of sun, the Aussies certainly take their sun safety seriously. Yesterday I took a walk past Brighton Primary School at recess time and each and every child had a hat on, and not just a baseball cap; these hats were serious sun-protection hats. Some had that panel that comes down off the back and side of the hat to protect the neck. Apparently Australians have a high rate of skin cancer. I guess I shouldn't complain about a bit of rain. They need it here and I'm such a sun lover that I'd probably not be as wise as I should be and the more rainy days there are, the less sun I get.

Got my Acland Street cake in St. Kilda

One of many yummy looking cake stores. Sorry we didn't get back here together Milena!
Dendy Deli cake was awfully good too, though.

Fun times in funky Fitzroy

Gertrude and Brunswick Streets in Fitzroy have lots of this urban graffiti.
Not Banksy, the British street artist, but I thought this one was nice.

Here's a little sense of the street vibe in this neighborhood full of cool little shops and restaurants. 

The Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens

This building was used for the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. This building and the Carlton Gardens next door are on the World Heritage list.  Melbournians see this building as epitomizing its spirit and history because it was built in the midst of the gold rush days in Victoria. It's now used for trade shows, fairs and cultural events.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Scott and Mila's last day in Melbourne

Well, the weather could have been better, but we managed to have a fun time. First we went back to Victoria Market to do a little shopping. Milena was loving the vibe of Melbourne fashions and wanted to find some cheaper versions of the things we've been seeing in the pricey boutiques. She was successful, much to Joe and Scott's chagrin since they had to wait for us. I love having a shopping buddy around! Then we found lunch in one of the cool, alleyway type restaurants on Degraves Street. Next we explored the NGV (National Gallery of Victoria) then finally we topped off the day with a little treat at Hopetoun Teahouse (and no, that's not a misspelling). They leave for the train station in about 2.5 hours. I think I'll go wake them up now. They have 24 hours to sleep while they travel back to Chicago!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 2 in Melbourne

Up close and personal with a kangaroo.

Shopping for lunch in Victoria Market

At the Shrine of Remembrance.

After a brief but heavy downpour, a beautiful day at the Royal Botanical Gardens.

A fun day in Melbourne

This is Milena's profile in one of the exhibits at ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Arts).

The Yarra River, Federation Square, and the skyline behind us.

In Royal Arcade enjoying a treat at Koko Black, our favorite chocolate store.

In a zine store -- Milena trying to win an argument about these two words and the cookies they describe.

One more koala sighting

The Arch and London Bridge

In 1990, a couple was stranded when London Bridge lost its connecting arch. They were rescued by helicopter within a few hours but tried desperately to flee from the press because they were having an extra-marital affair. Ha! Karma will get you!

Loch Ard Gorge

This spot was named after a ship that wrecked here in 1878. All but two of the 54 passengers died. One was a cabin boy who was lucky enough to cling to a capsized life boat and was swept into this gorge. Had it been like most of the nearby coastline, rocky sheer cliffs, he wouldn't have lived, but this soft sandy beach saved him. He heard the cries of a young woman and dragged her to safety. She had been traveling with her parents and three siblings. The press at the time had romanticized the whole story and wanted to see Tom and Eva married but after rescue they never saw each other again. She eventually went back to Ireland.

Aren't we strong?

Gibsons Beach

The Twelve Apostles

The most famous image from The Great Ocean Road. Unfortunately, some of the 12 apostles have "fallen away" so there are only about 7 of them left. We couldn't get down safely to the beach anywhere at this spot to walk around; deciding instead to follow the advice of the sign.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Twelve hours in Port Campbell

We left the Otway Fly at about 5:30 and made it to the cute little seaside town of Port Campbell. We checked into the Best Western which reminded me of the old days -- handwritten and no imprinting of a credit card. The guy handed me a little carton of whole milk "for our coffee". We had hoped to go see the Muttonbirds coming home by the tens of thousands to roost for the night before dinner, but found out that no one serves dinner much after 8:30 so decided to eat rather than watch birds. We had another wonderful meal at a little cafe by the beach. The next morning we were searching for breakfast around 8 AM and found just one place open and it wasn't this cafe that had this sign in the window. I guess coffee drinkers have to wait for their coffee.

A Long way Down

Otway Fly Tree Top Walk

A walk among some giant trees in the rainforest. So lush -- even the branches of trees had ferns growing from them. Notice the umbrella lying amongst hugs ferns. Good thing in landed with the pretty side up.

Between Lorne and Apollo Bay