Friday, November 19, 2010

Last day in Tasmania

We had hoped to take a cruise around Bruny Island, but our last day here was like all the others -- a mixtures of rain and some peaks of sun. It was also windy so I think we would have frozen on the cruise (and been $200 some dollars poorer too), so we decided to just wander. We headed south and took a quiet country road to a beautiful little winery called Hartzview. The vines were all covered with netting (as were acres and acres of fruit trees in the region) and I was told it's because the wallabies and the possums eat everything otherwise. At Hartzview we also got a little history lesson. The area used to be devoted to the growing of all kinds of berries and the hut in the picture is one of the original pickers huts. There were several on the property you could walk into to see what the berry pickers lives were like up through the 1950s. They did not live in luxury, that's for sure!
We then moved on to a very lovely, contemporary winery called Home Hill where we had a fabulous lunch looking out onto the vineyards.
Our last stop was the Wooden Boat Centre where people learn the craft firsthand from the masters. They let you walk all around the area and I even climbed a rickety ladder to look inside one boat. The boat in the picture will be finished by March and will have taken a total of 20 months for quite a few workers to work on fulltime. The man who commissioned it is a celebrity chef in Sydney named Tetsuyah (I may have gotten a few letters wrong in that name!). I can't imagine how much it will cost him because they had a tiny little row boat we could have bought if we'd had an extra $18,000. The boats were absolutely gorgeous works of art.

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