Friday, November 19, 2010

Wineglass Bay Beach

Mother Nature smiled on us again today. About 9:30 we set out again for Wineglass Bay. Yesterday we only went as far as the lookout. Today we hiked down the other side of the mountain to the beach and what a fabulous place it was! The sun broke through the clouds often enough to give us some great photo ops. We were wondering if a beach like this in the U.S. would have roads getting tourists closer. We like it better that a beautiful spot like this requires some effort to get to. It was a 45 minute for Joe and I, pretty fit and fast walkers. We then spent about 45 minutes walking on the beach or sitting on driftwood and just soaking in the views. We actually saw people arrive at the beach just long enough to take a photo or two then they turned around and headed back. When we left, we didn't head right back on the same path we came to the beach on, but rather we had another 8 km of hiking to do. More about the rest of the hike in the coming posts.

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