Monday, November 29, 2010

Goodbye November

This part of Australia has been in a long-term drought (can't remember exactly how many years but I'm thinking at least 5) and it's officially over. Good news for the locals but not so good for us short-term visitors. I just read in today's paper that the average rainfall in November is 59 mm and this year 106 mm fell. Today's weather was perfect -- low 70s and sunny.
Speaking of sun, the Aussies certainly take their sun safety seriously. Yesterday I took a walk past Brighton Primary School at recess time and each and every child had a hat on, and not just a baseball cap; these hats were serious sun-protection hats. Some had that panel that comes down off the back and side of the hat to protect the neck. Apparently Australians have a high rate of skin cancer. I guess I shouldn't complain about a bit of rain. They need it here and I'm such a sun lover that I'd probably not be as wise as I should be and the more rainy days there are, the less sun I get.

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