Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Federation Square and the ACMI

Today was a full day. I was at Victoria Market by 8 AM to get Sandra's help to find the best produce stands. We went to Carlton for coffee and treats then I met Joe for lunch. We went to a fantastic vegetarian restaurant called Shakahari. Joe and I headed home but it took us waaaaay longer than normal due to a portion of the line being closed for a "water line problem" (a cynical lady standing nearby said it was probably a suicide). We had to take a different line then were bussed to our line at a spot south of the problem. We rested at home for a while then headed back out. It was very hot today -- probably mid 80s, so we went wanted an indoor activity and headed to ACMI (Australia Centre for the Moving Image) in Federation Square and had fun playing around with their cool exhibits. Then back to Carlton and Lygon Street where we got pizza at a very authentic little pizzeria (D.O.C.). Poor Joe thought he was ordering one pizza but the waiter thought he'd pointed to the one above and delivered a pizza with anchovies on it (there were only 2 on the entire menu so what were the odds?!) He wasn't too happy with what they put in front of him, but when we looked back at his menu (a placemat) it did indeed have the pizza they brought him underlined. The waiter had wanted him to be aware that they'd have to substitute a red sauce for the one listed and he underlined it when he was talking about the pizza in his thick Italian accent.

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