Friday, November 12, 2010

Haircut Day

We both got a haircut this morning.  I had over 3 inches of yucky looking split ends chopped off and went back to the bob that has worked pretty well for me over the years. I don't know why I'd let it get so long! A refreshing change about hair salons here is NO TIPPING necessary! So happy about that. In fact, in general, you don't need to tip here unless you're at a nice-ish restaurant for dinner and even then it's only up to 10%.
A rainy day here. We're staying put until time to go to the airport late in the afternoon for our six days in Tasmania. I don't know if I'll be able to post regularly while there, but I hope so.
Tiger Woods is playing in a golf tournament here and isn't doing particularly well. Life's just never been the same for him since last Thanksgiving! Saw a funny headline about him in the local paper:
Tiger, you lion cheetah

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