Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cuddly Koalas at Kennett River

Koalas are very picky about the type of eucalyptus leaves they eat.  These leaves are very poisonous to most other animals but there's something about the digestive system in koalas that make the leaves fit them. 

I do know this isn't a koala, but we loved his look so he warrants a spot in my blog.

Koalas like to have their limbs dangling on hot days to help them keep cool.
These guys hang out waaaaay up in these trees. Some were way out on branches and the breeze was swaying them around pretty well, but they didn't seem concerned. Looked pretty fun actually. Koalas live in social groups, so whenever we saw one, we knew to keep looking and we'd see more. We saw a young koala hanging out very near Mom, but I couldn't get a good picture of it.

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