Saturday, November 27, 2010

Scott and Mila's last day in Melbourne

Well, the weather could have been better, but we managed to have a fun time. First we went back to Victoria Market to do a little shopping. Milena was loving the vibe of Melbourne fashions and wanted to find some cheaper versions of the things we've been seeing in the pricey boutiques. She was successful, much to Joe and Scott's chagrin since they had to wait for us. I love having a shopping buddy around! Then we found lunch in one of the cool, alleyway type restaurants on Degraves Street. Next we explored the NGV (National Gallery of Victoria) then finally we topped off the day with a little treat at Hopetoun Teahouse (and no, that's not a misspelling). They leave for the train station in about 2.5 hours. I think I'll go wake them up now. They have 24 hours to sleep while they travel back to Chicago!

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