Friday, November 19, 2010

Henry Jones Art Hotel

These three pictures of the harbor and The Henry Jones Art Hotel in the background kind of summarize the week in Tasmania for us. The sky was in constant change. These three pictures were all taken within the same 24 hour period. This hotel was quite unique. It had originally been a jam factory and the bones of the original building are seen all over the place. Also, there is beautiful artwork hung everywhere, including the guest rooms. One of the paintings in our room could have been ours for $5,000. I didn't purchase that but I did get some Ugg boots (the term here refers to any sheepskin boots) for a lot less than the Uggs we see in the U.S. (capital Gs with the middle G being larger than the other one). I did check out a store in Melbourne that sells those Uggs and they were all well over $300.

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