Saturday, November 6, 2010

NOT Cinderella's slippers!

I've noticed that the shoes displayed in store windows here are often the super big sizes. In the U.S. the display shoe is always a dainty size (no bigger than a 7) and somehow when the clerk brings out MY size, the shoe never looks quite as stylish. I'm wondering what the reasoning is behind displaying Cinderella's stepsisters' shoes rather than Cinderella's?! Speaking of crazy marketing, here's what I saw in a clothing store window: "2 basic t-shirts for $89". Now wouldn't you think that if you're trying to sell a $45 t-shirt you'd say it was something extra-special rather than giving it the adjective basic? And just one more bit of Aussie fashion news: Thursday was Fashion Day at Flemington race course and all the ladies turned out in their best "frocks" in hopes of winning the grand prize ---- $100,000 worth of gifts including a Lexus. The winner was a 25 years old gal who purchased a 50s retro dress for $18 and had it altered a bit. I wonder what the fashionistas thought who spent thousands?

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