Thursday, November 11, 2010

National Gallery Victoria (NGV) International

NGV is a free art gallery in the CBD and I ended up having a private tour of the place, with Barbara, a very sweet lady who decided to give me an overview of the museum rather than the scheduled one since I was the only one who showed up. She told me so many interesting stories. In the picture here she's standing in front of a statue of a young woman also named Barbara who had a short, sad life. Her father was very protective of her and jealous of anyone's interest in her so he locked her in a room in the castle (can't remember what year). Some sympathetic servant gave her some reading material that converted her to Christianity. Her father went crazy upon hearing that news and had her beheaded. Shortly after, he was struck by lightning. There's karma for you!
The architect wanted this building to mimic an Italian fortress, hence the water, or "moat" around the structure. He also wanted a "great hall" with an interesting ceiling reminiscent of the Sistine Chapel, hence the colored glass ceiling.

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