Wednesday, November 3, 2010

St. Kilda

Luna Park -- a cool entrance but the rides looked pretty weak!
This crazy sculpture was over a store on Acland Road
Soulmama-- a vegetarian restaurant on the beach
Joe and I tried out the bus system today and visited the nearby beach town of St. Kilda. It wasn't exactly beachy weather, but I could tell this will be a town we'll want to return to on a warm day. We passed a theater where a bunch of people were lining up to go to a Chicago and America concert. It wasn't a huge venue; they can't draw in the numbers they could in the 70s. I can't imagine what the guys in those groups look like now! Speaking of American culture, I'm really surprised at how many American TV shows there are here. I expected the big primetime shows but lots of daytime shows are on too: Oprah, Ellen, The View, Judge Judy, The Price is Right. We brought season 2 of Madmen with us and the DVDs don't work on this player which is very annoying. I know it's asking too much for every country in the world to use the same kinds of electrical plugs and to drive on the right side of the road, but why in the world did a recent technology such as DVD players have to be country specific?!!

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